Esther Charabati

Speaker presentation: Philosophy in the city

The first Philosophical café in Mexico City was created by Esther Charabati 22 years ago and is still being held weekly. Philosophy in the city is a project born in Mexico City in 2016, at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. It is conformed an interdisciplinary group of young people -from the careers of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology- committed to taking philosophy out of the classroom and taking it in public spaces. It has focused on animating Philosophical cafe and Philosophy Workshops with children. In 2022 its members carried on more tan 700 philosophical cafes in public spaces. Philosophy in the city has permanent presence in libraries, book fairs and in various social networks. This month their first two books will be published: ” Thinking out of school. Philosophy in the City” and „Manual for the Animation of Philosophical Cafes”.

Short Bio: B.A. in Philosophy and PhD in Pedagogy from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Full-time professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Litterature in the area of non-formal education. Since 2000, she moderates the first weekly Philosophical café in Mexico. At the university, she coordinates the project „Philosophy in the City” which, among other activities, carries out around 700 philosophy cafés and philosophy workshops with children in public spaces every year. She published ther collection of books „Philosophizing with children”. based on classic stories. She is the author of several books, among them, El oficio de la duda and Guía para los desconcertados.