Workshop: The ritual of the question, the ritual of the answer
Abstract: Philosophical practice as a visual and bodily experience, playing with restraints to increase our awareness and stage ironically the concepts of power, dependence and helplessness in a philosophical dialogue.
Short bio: Albert Hoffmann studied philosophy at the University of Zürich. Since the year 2005, he was organizing open philosophical discussions (café philo) in the center of Zürich and sporadically in other cities in Switzerland. Since 2013 he has been practicing as philosophical counsellor. On several occasions he performed philosophical rituals in public. After moving to the Czech Republic in September 2021, he started doing philosophical counselling in Prague. At the moment, he runs a café philo in Czech (weekly), a café philo in English and a café philo in German (both once a month). He is member of IGPP (Internationale Gesellschaft für Philosophische Praxis) and of ZIPPRA (Zürcher Institut für Philosophische Praxis).