Workshop: Developing habits of living philosophically through askesis
Abstract: Participants are invited to explore and reflect critically about their ideas of „living well”, the extent to which they live up to their own philosophies, the ways in which they could unveil their own philosophies by consultative and self-consultative practices and how they identify and manage their main obstacles to continuing their philosophical practice in daily endeavours. The workshop starts with a brief introduction into the notion of „askesis” and how askesis is likely relevant in contemporary times. Next, participants will be invited to collaborate in conceptualisation, argumentation and problematisation work in order to find possible answers to these questions together. We will dedicate some time to debriefing our experience of collaborative inquiry and to close our encounter by allowing participants to formulate questions about askesis.
BIOS: Anca Tiurean is a systemic psychotherapist with an MA in philosophical counselling and consultancy, currently engaged in a doctoral research in philosophy at the West University of Timisoara.